Welcome to Wisdombeespreschool
WBS inculcates Multi – Intelligence methods of teaching to provide high quality of education to prepare students to succeed in life.
Wisdom Bees Preschool prides itself on the quality of its educational program’s, the professionalism of our staff, the enthusiasm of our gorgeous children and high level of support provided by parents.
At Wisdom Bees Preschool, every child will have the foundations laid for a lifelong love of learning, through a fully inclusive and appropriately challenging curriculum, taught by outstanding progress, allowing them to the opportunity to be excellent.
Through our extensive extra-curriculum activities we provide opportunities for each young child to enrich and extend their learning, developing confidence through enjoyment.
Wisdom Bees Activity centre
Gone are the days when kids would happily play outside their homes! Now you can only see them poring over books or hooked onto the internet! Knowledge is one’s greatest possession. Agreed, academics play a vital role in the kids’ future but, that should not let extra-curricular activities take a back seat! Both are equally important. They are needed for recreation. Otherwise, the very purpose of education stands defeated. Academic rigours such as in-depth reading and complex problem-solving go a long way in strengthening the mind, but extracurricular activities will take this mind strengthening even further. So, encourage children to participate in extra-curricular activities which bring out the true potential in them.
Our Programs

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